Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 1st - 5th

Monday, October 1st

In-Class: Students completed the 18-1 Reading Note check. We discussed the effects (short and long term) of exploration.

Homework: NONE!

Tuesday, October 2nd

In-Class: Students worked on a letter to King DeStefano of Kingdom 1039 seeking funding for an exploration journey. They had to list 4 potential benefits and 2 potential risks they might face. This was a individual assignment that forces students to analyze the effects.

Homework: Finish Letter to King D.

Wednesday, October 3rd

In-Class: Students took notes on the Scientific Revolution. We discussed what causes of the Scientific Revolution and how it developed over time. After note taking we watched a took notes on a video that covered the Scientific Revolution and Sir Issac Newton. After that we watched CNN Student News to stay up to date with current events and watch a segment on previous presidential debates.


Tonights assignment is optional and an enrichment activity. To help students think through who they are going to vote for students our encouraged to watch at least 30 minutes of tonight's Presidential debate. After watching the debate students are asked to write a reaction paragraph on anything related to the debate they found interesting. This could include an answer to a question, something they noticed about the candidates, etc... Remember this is OPTIONAL!!! This is due on Thursday, October 4th.

Thursday, October 4th

In-Class: Students will begin preparing to vote tomorrow. Students will discuss the different issues on the ballot, the candidates stances on different issues, take a PEW Research Center quiz to see if the are liberal, moderate, or conservative, and fill out a voter registration card. Students are encouraged to discuss their decisions with their parents.

Homework: NONE!!!!

Friday, October 5th

In-Class: Students will vote on real voting machines with a real ballot. Results for the entire school will be compiled and sent to the local newspapers.

Homework: NONE!!!